What is BrewFuture?2023-10-16T14:23:53+00:00

“BrewFuture” is an open innovation program designed by Anadolu Efes and aims to collaborate on spesific issues on the area of sustainability. Throughout the program selected startups will be working closely with Anadolu Efes.

I Just Have An Idea. Can I Apply?2023-10-16T14:24:40+00:00

Since the the BrewFuture program is designed to launch pilots, we are searching for startups that already have a product in market or are ready to test their MVP’s can apply.

What Areas Should My Startup be Working?2023-10-30T14:51:52+00:00

BrewFuture aims to collaborate on spesific issues on the area of sustainability. You can take a look at our focus areas by clicking here.

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